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The Indian Statistical Institute is a registered society. It was registered on 28 April, 1932, under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. By enactment of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961, amended on 1964, the Institute came under the purview of the latter act.

There are three categories of membership of the Institute : Ordinary, Student and Institutional. Eligibility criteria, fees, membership privileges application procedure for each category of membership is given below.


Eligibility: Membership of the Institute is restricted to persons withpost-graduate or equivalent academic qualification, B. Tech., B.E., M.B.B.S. and equivalent academic qualification, interested in the objectives of the Institute. Once such a person pays the requisite fees, he/she may be elected as a member by the ISI Council on being proposed by one member and seconded by another.

Fees:The annual membership fee for members of the Institute are as follows :


Members resident in India

Rs. 500.00


Senior citizen members resident in India (above 60 years)

Rs. 250.00


Members resident in USA, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, China

US $ 90.00


Members resident in any other country except those in ‘C’

Rs. 750.00


ApplicationProcedure : A duly filled in application form together with a attested photocopy of the post-graduate degree certificate / marksheet and a cheque (only for Kolkata based applicants) / demand draft of the requisite amount should be sent tothe Council Section, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata – 700 108, India. The payment by Demand Draft / Cheque (payable at Kolkata) should be drawn in favour of“Indian Statistical Institute”. The form should be counter-signed by two persons who are alreadymembers of the Institute, as proposer and seconder.


Any ordinary member resident in India who desires to become a Life Member shall have to pay a fee of Rs.2500.00 less a rebate of Rs. 50.00 for each year for which ordinary annual subscription may have been given, subject to a maximum of Rs.750.00 after continuing membership for a period of at least five years. Any member resident in a foreign country who desires to become a Life Member shall have to pay a fee of US$ 800.00 less arebate of US$ 20.00 for each year for which ordinary annual subscription may have been given, subject to a maximum rebate of US $300.00 after continuing membership for a period of at least five years.



Any member resident in India, who desires to become a life member from Ordinary Member

Rs. 2500.00


Any member resident abroad, who desires to become a life member from Ordinary Member

US $ 800.00


Privileges:Ordinary member / Life member enjoys the following privileges :

1.  He / She will receive one series of Sankhya free of charge, if he / she makes a written request to this effect.

2. He / she has the right to attend conferences, seminars and symposia held by the Institute from time to time on payment of necessary charges, as may be applicable to the participants which    will be notified in the Notice Board / Website.

3. He / she can make use of the facilities available in the Institute libraries after depositing the usual caution money.


Eligibility: A bonafide student or candidate for the examinations of the Institute,if interested in the objectives of the Institute, is entitled to be enrolled as a student member. A student studying in post-graduate or equivalent academic qualifications, B.Tech., B.E. and equivalentacademic qualifications in universities / deemed universities /academic institutions, if interested in the objectives of the Institute, is also entitled to be enrolled as a student member. The person has to be formally enrolled as student member by the ISI Council. A student member has to pay an annual subscription ofRs.50.00.


Student Member

Rs. 50.00


Privileges: A student member enjoys the following privileges :

1. He / she can obtain any series of Sankhya at half the price charged to the public.

2. He / she can attend conferences, seminars and symposia held by the Institute from time to time.

3. He / she can make use of the facilities available in the Institute libraries after depositing the usual caution money.

ApplicationProcedure : A duly filled application form together with a cheque (only for Kolkata based applicants) / demand draft of the requisite amount should be sent to the Council Section,Indian Statistical Institute, 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata –700 108, India. The payment by Demand Draft / Cheque (payable at Kolkata) should be made in favour of “Indian Statistical Institute”. The form should be counter-signed by the Head of the Institution of higher learning where the applicant is a student.


Eligibility: An institutional member shall mean an Institution or Organisation approved by the Council for being admitted as a member of the Institute. An institutional member so admitted shall pay an annual subscription of Rs.2000.00. An institutional member cannot become alife member. Institutional members shall exercise their rights and privileges of membership through a representative duly nominated by appropriate authority of the member-institution or organization. Member-institutions or organizations shall have the right to changetheir representative from time to time by giving a written notice tothe Director of the Institute by registered post. Any representative of a member-institution or organisation, who may be elected to any administrative or other body or organisation of the Institute or to any office of the Institute, shall automatically vacate such membership or office as soon as he ceases to represent the member-institution or organisation in the Institute. His / her successor representative shall not, however, be deemed automatically elected or appointed to such membership or office.


Institutional Member

Rs. 2000.00


ApplicationProcedure : A duly filled application form together with a cheque (only for Kolkata based applicants) / demand draft of the requisite amount should be sent to the Council Section,Indian Statistical Institute, 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata –700 108, India. The payment by Demand Draft / Cheque (payable at Kolkata) should be made in favour of “Indian Statistical Institute”. The form should be counter-signed by two persons who are already members of the Institute, as proposer and seconder.