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Research Positions

Research Fellowship


Short-term Research Fellowship:

The Center supports a small number of short-term (initially for a maximum of 6 months) research fellowships to a small number of highly motivated and talented candidates at the post graduate and postdoctoral levels. The fellow will be formally associated with one of the investigators/faculty of the Center. The amount of fellowship will depend on qualification and experience of the candidate with a minimum of  Rs. 5000/- per month.


An interested candidate may directly send his/her application by e-mail ( or surface mail to the Principal Investigator, Center  for Soft Computing Research, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata 700 108 with a copy of his/her resume, a brief proposal or work plan, and the duration required.

Master Degree Project Training:

The Center allows to carry a few  selected Master Degree Projects  matching with the objectives of the Center.  The project will be supervised by one of the investigators/ faculty of the Center. A monthly stipend may also be given during the training based on his/her performance.

An interested student may send his/her request (at least 3 months before the starting date) by e-mail ( or surface mail to the Principal Investigator, Center for Soft Computing Research, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata 700 108 with a copy of his/her resume, a forwarding letter from the Dean/Head of Department or Institute and the duration (around 6 months).

Junior and Senior Research Fellowship:

A highly motivated and talented candidate may directly send his/her application with a copy of his/her resume by email ( or surface mail to The Principal Investigator, Center for Soft Computing Research, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T.Road, Kolkata -700 108 for the following position:

Research Scholar


M. Sc in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Electronics/ Computer Science or MCA, with good knowledge in Computer Programming, or M.E / M.Tech. or equivalent in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology with good knowledge in Computer  Programming.

Guideline of pay for Research Fellowship:

Pay for the research fellowship is as per the Office Memorandum describe bellow:



Government of India

Ministry of Science & Technology

Department of Science & Technology

Technology Bhavan,          

New Mehrauli Road         

New Delhi 110016           

Dated the March 31, 2010 

Subject: Revised guidelines on emoluments and other conditions of service for research personnel and benefits to Host Institutions in R & D programmes of the Central Government Departments / Agencies.

Attention is invited to the O. M. No. A.20020/11/97-IFD dated 02.08.2002, issued by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, on the above subject. The matter has been further considered by the Government and the following revised guidelines have been approved. These revised guidelines are applicable to the research personnel working on R & D programmes funded by the Central Government Departments / Agencies.

Monthly Emoluments:


 1st and 2nd Year

 Subsequent years

A.   Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Leading to PhD

Post Graduate(PG) Degree in Basic Science and NET qualified
Graduate Degree in Professional Courses and GATE or equivalent qualification

Rs. 16,000 /-

Rs. 18,000 /-

B.   Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Leading to PhD

Post Graduate(PG) Degree in Basic Science who have NET qualified for Lectureship

Rs. 12,000 /-

Rs. 14,000 /-

C.   Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Leading to PhD

Post Graduate(PG) Degree in Professional Courses

Rs. 18,000 /-

Rs. 20,000 /-