Research Plan

This document contains the research problems, to do list on monthly basis.


1.                  Phylogenetic network reconstruction algorithm.

Duration: 4 months

15-05-2005 to 15-09-2005

Approach: - Algorithmic, if possible try for data mining approaches


15-05-2005 to 15-06-2005. Read papers on phylo. Nets. and overlapping clusters.

15-06-2005 to 30-06-2005. Improvements over previous algorithms and the feasibility study of the new approach.

01-07-2005 to 01-08-2005. Implement the new algorithm.

01-08-2005 to 15-08-2005. Comparisons with different methods

15-08-2005 to 15-09-2005. Write paper.


2.                  Phylogenetic supertree constructions methods.

Duration: 3 months

01-10-2005    To 31-12-2005.

Approach: - data mining particularly clustering.

01-10-2005 to 30-10-2005. Read papers and suitable data mining concepts.

01-11-2005 to 30-11-2005. Implement the algorithm and compare with other existing algorithms.

01-12-2005 to 31-12-2005. Analyze the results and write paper.

3.                  Phylogenetic supertree for ancestral time divergence.

Duration: 3 moths

01-01-2006 to 31-03-2006.

Approach: - data mining particularly clustering.

01-01-2006 to 31-03-2006. Read papers and relevant data mining approach.

01-02-2006 to 28-02-2006. Implement the algorithm and compare with existing methods.

01-03-2006 to 31-03-2006. Analyze the results and write paper.


4.                  Phylogenetic supertrees for semi-labeled taxa.

Duration: 3 months

01-04-2006 to 30-06-2006.

Approach: - data mining particularly clustering.

01-04-2006 to 30-04-2006. Read relevant papers and books.

01-05-2006 to 31-05-2006. Implement the algorithm and compare with existing methods.

01-06-2006 to 30-06-2006. Analyze the results and write paper.


01-07-2006 to 30-11-2006. Writing thesis.

01-12-2006 to 30-12-2006. Submission.
