test file: A Tab delimited two columns input file. First column contains the miRNA
name (ex: >hsa-miR-1) and the second column contains the Refseq id (ex:
NM_018362) of mRNA. 3utr file: A fasta format file containing the 3'UTR sequences. mir file: A fasta format file containing the miRNA sequences.
Download zip file contains:
hg18_3utr.txt: Human 3'UTR database file.
hsa_mirbase_list.txt: MicroRNA sequence file.
bio_verified_positive_test.txt: Input test file containing biologically validated positive
bio_verified_negative_test.txt: Input test file containing biologically validated
negative examples.
TargetMiner_Prediction_for_bio_verified_positive_test.html: Tab delimited table of
predictions for biologically validated positive examples
TargetMiner_Prediction_for_bio_verified_negative_test.html: Tab delimited table of
predictions for biologically validated negative examples.
The result is obtained by the following command:
./TargetMiner -test bio_verified_positive_test.txt -3utr hg18_3utr.txt -mir