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About Us
Welcome to Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), a unique institution devoted to the research, teaching and application of statistics, natural sciences and social sciences, founded by Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in Kolkata on 17th December, 1931. The Institute gained the status of an Institution of National Importance by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1959. The Central Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Institute and also serve as the intellectual, cultural and social center for the Institute and the Community. The library moved into the present premises in 1978 and it occupies 5 floors (60000sq.ft) of a ten-storied building at Kolkata. The Library, Documentation and Information Science Division comprise of the Central Library at Kolkata and other centre libraries at Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Tezpur apart from the Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Memorial Museum and Archives in Kolkata.
The primary objective of the library is to support the educational and research programs of the institute by providing physical and online access to information, accordance with the present as well as the anticipated educational and research functions of the institute. In line with the objectives of the institute, over the years, the library has developed a comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed scholarly literature useful for the faculty and the research community of the institute. The other objective is to serve as a resource center for the scholars and scientific community of the country.
ISI library is also functioning as the Eastern Regional Library of the National Board of Higher Mathematics [NBHM], Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India since 1989.


Within the scope of its resources and those of which it has access through formal &/or informal cooperative agreements, the mission of the Indian Statistical Institute Library System is to meet the information requirements of its users and visitors of the Institute. To be a Library with valuable resources that provides efficient, effective and quality services to support the Institute as a centre of excellence in teaching, learning, research and consultancy that contribute towards the advancement of knowledge and progress of the country


The Libraries serve as the intellectual, cultural and social center for the Institute and the Community. The Library, Documentation and Information Science Division comprise:

  • Central Library at Kolkata,
  • ISIDC Library, Delhi
  • ISIBC Library, Bangalore
  • ISICC Library, Chennai
  • ISI North Eastern Centre Library, Tezpur and
  • Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Memorial Museum and Archives, Kolkata
  • The Division is perhaps the most important central facility of the Institute.

    Central Library, Kolkata

    The Central Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Institute. The Central Library moved to its present location in 1978, and it occupies 5 floors (60000sq.ft) of a ten-storied building at Kolkata. The Central Library seeks to:

  • Meet the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural interests and needs of the user community by providing timely access to print and non-print resources appropriate to those needs.
  • Encourage and facilitate reading, literacy and lifelong learning by supplying resources in a variety of formats designed to interest, inform, and enlighten.
  • Protect the public's right to know by providing equal access to information needed for informed and effective daily living, decision making, problem solving and thoughtful participation in civic/community affairs.
  • Provide the highest quality service and to organize and display the collection for easy, open access by all.
  • Maintain publication exchange programme of the Institute with regional, international, national, and foreign institutions and organizations.
  • Continue to function as the Eastern Regional Library of the National Board of Higher Mathematics [NBHM], Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India since 1989.
  • Over the years, the Central Library has attained the distinction of being one of the richest libraries in India in the areas of mathematics, statistics, economics, theoretical computer science and related areas. The Central Library, since its inception has been providing a variety of library and information services to its users. The services presently being provided include;

  • Collection Development: The Library maintains an excellent collection of books, journals, reports, rare and special collection, government publications, data-books, theses and other documents/ materials in print and electronic formats. The total collection of the library stands at around 390660.
  • Circulation and Membership: Annually; average 800 readers use the library for a short period. Currently the total number of regular member is 2700.
  • Web-OPAC
  • Lending/Document Delivery Service
  • Inter-library loan
  • Publication Exchange Programme: The library maintains the publication exchange programme of 'Sankhya - the Indian Journal of Statistics' with 57 national and 23 international institutions/organizations.
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Self-Photocopying Service
  • Electronic Document Delivery Service
  • Online Full-Text Access to Journals/ Database: The library has online access to about 25000+ full-text journals.
  • Reprographic & Photographic Service
  • Documentation Service: A searchable bibliographic database has been prepared on scientific contributions made by the ISI scientists on all subject fields since 1934. The entries are currently being subjected to editing.
  • General Enquiry Assistance & Consultation Service.

  • Special Initiatives:
  • Consortia arrangements
  • Preservation and conservation
  • Institutional Repository (IR)
  • Digital Libraries
  • Collections
    The Central Library has a well-defined collection development policy and uses multi-prolonged strategies to develop and enrich its collection. It purchases published material on a regular basis by going through a variety of book selection tools. Its collection of institutional reports/ papers is developed primarily through networking at the local, regional, national and international levels. Along with these channels, the library also receives relevant material as gifts from individual scholars/ researchers and organizations from time to time.The thrust subject areas over the last few years have been Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Social Science, Sociology, Statistical Quality Control & Operations Research, Economics etc. The collection is primarily in the English language.Present collection consists of:
  • Books: 118917
  • e-Books (Perpetual Access): 9816+
  • Gift and Exchange Documents: 27609
  • Reports & Records: 37075+ CD: 239
  • Full-text e-Journals:10000+
  • Electronic Resources including Database: 42400+
  • Bound Volume Journals:84190
  • CD-ROM/DVD: 952
  • Reprints: 32000 [Closed]
  • General Reading (Workers' Circulating Library):40200
  • Special Collections
    P.C. Mahalanobis Personal Collection: If the wealth of an Academic Institute lies beyond the depth of its coffers into the richness of its scholarship, then Professor P.C. Mahalanobis, Founder Director is a major benefactor to the Central Library. During his lifetime, he donated many books and journals to the Central Library. However, after his death in 1972, the Central Library took possession of his remaining personal collection of nearly 4000+ books and periodicals on statistics, mathematics, economics and literature. The collection is housed in Special Collections, on the third floor of the Library building.

    W.A. Shewhart Personal Collection: Dr W A Shewhart personal collection was offered as a gift to the Indian Statistical Institute, and the Governing Body and Council of the Institute accepted the offer in 1965. The Shewhart collection, which constitutes a special wing of the Central Library of the Institute contains in all 3060 volumes, including 112 reprints of Dr. Shewhart's scientific papers, lecture notes, popular talks and copies of his books. The collection bears testimony to his diverse intellectual interests, extensive reading habits and monumental contributions to scientific thinking and application. The collection is housed in Special Collections, on the third floor of the Library building
    Floor Guide
    Circulation is the most popular service of any Library. ISI Library lends or issues the books to its users according to their entitlement. The Library has a provision of book reservations for its readers. Search the ISI WEB-OPAC to locate materials in the library.

    Ground Floor
  • Reprography and Photography Unit

  • 1st Floor
  • Books [Computer Science, Library & Information Science, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Anthropology, Engineering etc.)
  • Reference Collection
  • PC Mahalanobis Collection

  • 2nd Floor
  • Journals [Bound Volumes and Current Issues]
  • Books [Psychology, Languages, Literatures and History]

  • 3rd Floor
  • Reports & Records, Census, Statistical data sources
  • Russian Collection (Closed)
  • Shewhart's Collection
  • Statistical Workers' Circulating Library

  • 4th Floor
  • Centre for Research on Micro Census Data
  • Books [Computer Science (prior to 2010] and Social Science (prior to 2000]