Inter Library Loan
To other libraries
The Central Library of the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata lends books and journals from its collections to local, regional, national, overseas libraries & research institutes, not to individuals. The following materials are not available for inter library loan:
  • Rare documents, and Reference materials
  • Loose issues of Periodicals
  • Materials that the Library considers improper to lend
  • Libraries that wish to borrow documents are requested to forward their application to the following address
    Deputy Librarian (Circulation)
    Indian Statistical Institute
    203 BT Road
    Kolkata 700 108
    Fax: 0-33-2578 1412
    Phone: 0-33-2575 2106
    For details, please consult Section 3.9 Inter Library Loan (ILL) of Rules and Regulations-2009 of the Library

    From other libraries
    The Library can borrow items from other libraries that are not available in the Central Library. This service is provided free of charge for ISI Students, faculty, and staff. Please consult Chief Librarian/Deputy Librarian (Circulation)